Pets and Emotional Support Animals in NYC No-Pet Buildings



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  • 17

List of questions

  1. 1 If your lease is silent on the issue of pets, then:

  2. 2 As per the Three-Month Rule, even if your lease contains a no-pet clause, your pet can remain in your apartment, if:

  3. 3 Which one does the Three-Month Rule NOT apply to:

  4. 4 Which of these are NOT agents of landlord within meaning of the Three-Month Rule.

  5. 5 Which of these circumstances does NOT tend to prove that the owner of a building “has knowledge” of a pet in an apartment.

  6. 6 Which of these things does NOT help a tenant prove landlord knew or should have known about the pet.

  7. 7 If you get a Three-Month Rule waiver, allowing you to have a pet or pets, that waiver only applies to your existing pet or pets, not to future pets. Is this true or false?

  8. 8 An Emotional Support Animal (“ESA”) is not a service dog. Is this true or false?

  9. 9 The NYC HRL prohibits discriminatory housing practices against people in Protected Classes. You are in a Protected Class if you have a Disability. A Disability can be a mental or psychological impairment. Is this true or false?

  10. 10 If you have a mental or psychological impairment Disability, you have the right to ask your landlord for a Cooperative Dialogue for the purpose of discussing landlord making the Reasonable Accommodation of allowing you to have an ESA. Is this true or false?

  11. 11 To establish a strong case for an ESA under the HRL there must be a solid demonstration made, via admissible evidence, that the animal is ____________ [FILL IN THE BLANK FROM BELOW CHOICES], because of the disability, in order for tenant to use and enjoy the apartment.

  12. 12 Which answer better completes the sentence: To request an ESA Reasonable Accommodation for a Disability of mental or psychological impairment, you must:

  13. 13 To be a Reasonable Accommodation, an ESA should be:

  14. 14 Which answer does NOT apply. Your request for an ESA pursuant to the HRL should:

  15. 15 After your request for a Reasonable Accommodation of an ESA is made, landlord is required to enter into a Cooperative Dialogue process with you, tenant, to attempt to accommodate your needs. Is this true or false?

  16. 16 Your landlord is not required to give you a written final determination identifying any accommodation granted or denied. Is this true or false?

  17. 17 In this class we discussed many situations where tenant has to make choices. Which situation was not covered in this class:

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