Tenant Law Podcast

Welcome to the Tenant Law Podcast, where we talk about new, interesting, and/or important legal cases affecting New York City tenants. Listen on Apple, Spotify, Youtube. There are also a bunch of great blog posts on this page of tenant questions and Tenant Learning Platform instructor’s answers.

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It’s Cold Out! How to Make a Lack of Heat Complaint in NYC

In Episode 35 we discuss what the NYC heating requirements are and how to enforce your rights if you are not getting the requisite amount of heat. Listen on Spotify, Apple, or wherever you get your podcasts. Links: Tenant Law Podcast Website   NYC HPD Website for Heating Standards and Making Heat Complaints   DHCR

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What happens if NYC issues a Vacate Order against your apartment?

In Episode 34 we discuss what happens if a New York City agency issues a Vacate Order against your apartment. We tackle the following questions. Does the landlord have to restore the apartment? How will you know what is going on with the apartment? How can you make the landlord fix the apartment and remove

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How to Challenge Your Rent Arrears Statement

In Episode 33 we discuss two Housing Court cases that were dismissed because the Rent Demands served upon the tenants as predicates to those cases were confusing. If your Rent Demand is gobbledygook, you may be able to get the current case against you dismissed. In general, whether there is a court case against you

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You Cannot Be Evicted for Being a Victim of Domestic Violence

In Episode 32 we discuss the City, State, and Federal laws that protect victims of domestic violence in housing matters. We look at a very important case where a landlord tried to evict a tenant, when her adult mentally ill son perpetrated serious acts of domestic violence against her.   Listen on Spotify, Apple, YouTube,

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