How To Do Short-Term (less than 30 days) Renting (like Airbnb) in Your New York City Apartment

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There are two resources available on this page regarding Short-Term (less than 30 consecutive days) Renting (like Airbnb).

First, for $5.00, there is a one-page flow chart with all the major things you need to know about “How to do Short-Term (less than 30 days) Renting (like Airbnb) in your New York City Apartment”, after the implementation of Local law 18 in the Fall of 2023. You can purchase that document by adding it to your cart below.

Second, there is a FREE pamphlet entitled How to Prevent Illegal Short-Term Renting. This is for New Yorkers bothered by operators who persist in doing illegal short-term rentals in their buildings.

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