Tenant Law Podcast

Welcome to the Tenant Law Podcast, where we talk about new, interesting, and/or important legal cases affecting New York City tenants. Listen on Apple, Spotify, Youtube. There are also a bunch of great blog posts on this page of tenant questions and Tenant Learning Platform instructor’s answers.

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How to Terminate Your Deceased Relative’s Lease Early So the Estate Does Not Owe Rent for the Rest of the Term

In Episode 37 we discuss how to keep more money in your deceased relative’s estate (for your inheritance) and less in the pocket of the landlord for rent for an empty apartment. We look at the new Real Property Law § 236-A. Listen on Spotify, Apple, YouTube or wherever you get your podcasts. Links: Tenant

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Are lease-break fees legal?

In Episode 31 we discuss a fascinating case pending in the New York Courts regarding lease-break fees.   Listen on Spotify, Apple, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts.   Links:   Tenant Law Podcast Website   The Complaint in Today’s Case   The Memorandum of Law in Support of a Motion to Dismiss Today’s

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If I break my lease early does my landlord have to try and find a new tenant? Or am I on the hook for the rent through the end of the lease term?

In Episode 20 we answer the often-asked questions: If I break my lease early does my landlord have to try and find a new tenant? Or am I on the hook for the rent through the end of the lease term? We take a deep dive into recent cases interpreting the new Real Property Law

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I had to vacate my apartment early, can the landlord sue me for the last six months of rent?

Ira from Astoria asks: I was a tenant in an affordable housing unit, but I had to move out after six months because there were some type of fumes in the apartment that gave me terrible headaches. My former landlord says I am responsible for the last six months of rent. What can I do?

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