Tenant Law Podcast

Welcome to the Tenant Law Podcast, where we talk about new, interesting, and/or important legal cases affecting New York City tenants. Listen on Apple, Spotify, Youtube. There are also a bunch of great blog posts on this page of tenant questions and Tenant Learning Platform instructor’s answers.

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What happens if NYC issues a Vacate Order against your apartment?

In Episode 34 we discuss what happens if a New York City agency issues a Vacate Order against your apartment. We tackle the following questions. Does the landlord have to restore the apartment? How will you know what is going on with the apartment? How can you make the landlord fix the apartment and remove

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Housing Court Leverage Tip for Tenants: Landlord can only sue for the monthly rent and that rent must be properly itemized or the case can be dismissed.

In Episode 21 we discuss how an eviction case in New York can be dismissed if the Rent Demand that the tenant is served with: (a) seeks arrears that are not properly itemized; or (b) includes any amounts beyond the monthly rent. Listen on Spotify, Apple, YouTube or wherever you get your podcasts. Links: AK

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Can I lose my Rent Stabilized apartment because I was away caring for a sick relative?

In Episode 19 we discuss the many factors that go into a court deciding whether an apartment is a Rent Stabilized tenant’s primary residence, focusing particularly on what happens when you need to leave town for a long time to take care of a sick relative. Listen of Spotify, Apple, YouTube, or wherever you get

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The Difference Between Subtenants and Roommates and Why it Matters

In Episode 18 we discuss the very important difference between a roommate and a subtenant, and we explain why that difference is so important. Listen of Spotify, Apple, YouTube or wherever you get your podcasts. Links: Tenant Law Podcast Website Episode 6: How do I succeed to (inherit) a Rent Stabilized apartment? Today’s Case Ask us

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Now Rent Stabilized tenants can add their domestic partners to their leases! And considerations before adding a spouse or a partner to a lease.

In Episode 17 we discuss a new rule allowing Rent Stabilized tenants to add their Domestic Partners to their leases, and we also cover some considerations for any Rent Stabilized tenant considering adding a spouse or a partner to their lease. Listen on Spotify, Apple, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts! Links: The amendments to

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You might be Rent Stabilized and/or overcharged if your landlord changed the size of your apartment before you moved in!

In Episode 13 we discuss the often abused and hard-to-discover practice of landlords charging first (market rate) rents for “newly created” Rent Stabilized apartments. Free market tenants as well as Rent Stabilized tenants should pay careful attention to this episode. Your free market apartment might be Rent Stabilized and you might be entitled to an

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If my landlord asks me to move out of my Rent Stabilized apartment, into another apartment in the same building, does my Rent Stabilized status move with me?

In Episode 9 we discuss what happens when a landlord asks a tenant in a Rent Stabilized apartment to move to another apartment within the same building and tenant agrees. Does the tenant’s Rent Stabilized “status” move with him? Listen on Apple, Spotify, and YouTube Ask us your questions at [email protected].

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Will the Housing Court recognize polyamorous relationships when making decisions about who can succeed to (inherit) a Rent Stabilized apartment?

In Episode 8 we discuss whether the NYC Housing Court will recognize polyamorous relationships when making decisions about who can succeed to (inherit) a Rent Stabilized apartment. Listen on Apple, Spotify, or YouTube. Here is a link to today’s case. In Episode 6 we also explored succession as a topic. Ask us your questions at

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How do I succeed to (inherit) a Rent Stabilized apartment?

In Episode 6 we discuss how to succeed to (inherit) a Rent Stabilized apartment. We also talk about what happens if you family member is unwilling to testify on your behalf in court. Listen on Apple, Spotify, or YouTube. There is a DHCR form that the tenant can fill out, that helps establish that you are

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Is there no chance that I am Rent Stabilized if my lease says in big letters across the top that I am not Rent Stabilized? And the difference between Rent Control and Rent Stabilization.

In Episode 5 we discuss the difference between Rent Control and Rent Stabilization and whether a landlord and tenant can contract in or out of rent regulation, as we look at a new appellate case that everyone is talking about. Is this case really a game changer? We also answer the question – “Is there no

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