Tenant Law Podcast

Welcome to the Tenant Law Podcast, where we talk about new, interesting, and/or important legal cases affecting New York City tenants. Listen on Apple, Spotify, Youtube. There are also a bunch of great blog posts on this page of tenant questions and Tenant Learning Platform instructor’s answers.

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Can my landlord terminate my lease if I make complaints about conditions in my apartment?

In Episode 42 we are discussing a recent case out of Queens landlord-tenant court that concerns the anti-retaliatory-eviction law, Real Property Law § 223-b. Listen on Spotify, Apple, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts. Links: Tenant Law Podcast Website   Real Property Law § 223-b   Today’s Case is Li-Johnson v. Sierra, 2024 WL

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Proving How Long Your Apartment Has Needed Repairs, So You Can Get a Rent Abatement and/or Proper Repairs

In Episode 30 we discuss a case where the tenant lost a lot of relevant text messages about conditions in their apartment, because they changed phones and lost text messages. Not only did they not have that evidence to help them, but a court punished them for not producing those items during discovery in the

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Roaches (or other infestations) can constitute an immediately hazardous housing violation and result in a suspension of part of your rent obligation.

In Episode 23 we discuss cases where roach, spider, and mouse infestations led to violations of the implied warranty of habitability, the landlords were ordered by Housing Court judges to fix the problems, and it resulted in one tenant not having to pay some rent. Listen of Spotify, Apple, YouTube or wherever you get your

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Can excessive noise from a neighboring apartment legally justify a tenant withholding rent in New York City? And can a tenant run a daycare in their NYC apartment?

In Episode 15 we discuss whether excessive noise from a neighboring apartment violates the warranty of habitability and justifies a tenant withholding rent in New York City. The episode also explores the legality of operating a Group Family Daycare in a New York City apartment. Listen on Spotify, Apple, or YouTube. Ask us your questions

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Where do I bring a harassment case against my landlord? An Episode of the Tenant Law Podcast

Welcome to the Tenant Law Podcast, where we talk about new, interesting, and/or important legal cases affecting New York City tenants. This weekly pod will be about 10 minutes long. First, we give you some background, so you have the context to understand the case we are discussing. Then we talk about the case itself.

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Getting Your Landlord To Take You Seriously!

Recently, TLP  Instructor Michelle Itkowitz was interviewed for a national  article entitled,   “Worried your landlord is taking advantage of you? Here’s how to make them take you seriously!”, in hellogiggles. Below are some of the tips Michelle shared with Morgan Noll for the article. Tips for Woman-Renters When Dealing with Male Landlords (1) Know your basic

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