Tenant Law Podcast

Welcome to the Tenant Law Podcast, where we talk about new, interesting, and/or important legal cases affecting New York City tenants. Listen on Apple, Spotify, Youtube. There are also a bunch of great blog posts on this page of tenant questions and Tenant Learning Platform instructor’s answers.

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Now Rent Stabilized tenants can add their domestic partners to their leases! And considerations before adding a spouse or a partner to a lease.

In Episode 17 we discuss a new rule allowing Rent Stabilized tenants to add their Domestic Partners to their leases, and we also cover some considerations for any Rent Stabilized tenant considering adding a spouse or a partner to their lease. Listen on Spotify, Apple, YouTube, or wherever you get your podcasts! Links: The amendments to

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Will the Housing Court recognize polyamorous relationships when making decisions about who can succeed to (inherit) a Rent Stabilized apartment?

In Episode 8 we discuss whether the NYC Housing Court will recognize polyamorous relationships when making decisions about who can succeed to (inherit) a Rent Stabilized apartment. Listen on Apple, Spotify, or YouTube. Here is a link to today’s case. In Episode 6 we also explored succession as a topic. Ask us your questions at

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How do I succeed to (inherit) a Rent Stabilized apartment?

In Episode 6 we discuss how to succeed to (inherit) a Rent Stabilized apartment. We also talk about what happens if you family member is unwilling to testify on your behalf in court. Listen on Apple, Spotify, or YouTube. There is a DHCR form that the tenant can fill out, that helps establish that you are

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Is there no chance that I am Rent Stabilized if my lease says in big letters across the top that I am not Rent Stabilized? And the difference between Rent Control and Rent Stabilization.

In Episode 5 we discuss the difference between Rent Control and Rent Stabilization and whether a landlord and tenant can contract in or out of rent regulation, as we look at a new appellate case that everyone is talking about. Is this case really a game changer? We also answer the question – “Is there no

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